@article{oai:takushoku-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000194, author = {平野, 孝典 and 藤本, 一郎 and Hirano, Takanori and Fujimoto, Ichiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {拓殖大学理工学研究報告, Bulletin of science and engineering, Takushoku University}, month = {Mar}, note = {So far, we made some experimental and numerical studies on the starting performance improvement of both three-blade and four-blade gyro-mill type wind turbines. As a result, as for these lift-type gyro-mill wind turbines, a pitch control of blade is concluded to be effective on the starting performance improvement. In this study, another type vertical wind turbine, that is, drag-type wind turbine with pitch control mechanism was investigated. Three-blade vertical-axis turbine model with pitch control mechanism constructed with gear and timing belt was made and investigated as parameters of blade chord length and blade shape. Those results suggested that it is effective to use a pitch control mechanism to improve both a starting performance and increase of electric generation.}, pages = {11--14}, title = {翼ピッチ制御機構を有する垂直軸抗力型風車の性能}, volume = {16}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ヒラノ, タカノリ and フジモト, イチロウ} }